How To Ensure You Stretch Everyday

With sitting down all day at work I find that my legs and back become very inflexible. Leaving these symptoms unchecked results in a very inflexible lower body for myself and I can only imagine it getting worse the older I get.

Why I started stretching

With sitting down all day at work I find that my legs and back become very inflexible. I have tried to combat part of the problem by using a standing desk, however, I still find myself sitting for most of the day. Also, the running and cycling that I do for exercise are not great for leg mobility and I find that I get very stiff hamstrings. Leaving these symptoms unchecked results in a very inflexible lower body for myself and I can only imagine it getting worse the older I get.

When do I find the time?

Stretching seems to be the last thing on everyone's mind and I have experimented with trying to fit it into a range of different habits and routines. The most obvious one is straight after strength training in the gym, but after a workout in the gym, the last thing I want to do is hang around for another 15 mins and stretch. Alternatively, I have tried after a cardio-based workout, running, or cycling, however, I am normally in no state to do anything apart from sip water and sit quietly.

Therefore, I have built the routine into my mornings and typically stretching is the first thing I will do. With it only taking 15 mins and being a great and relaxing way to start the morning, I have become to start to enjoy stretching. I have reached the stage now where my days feel "off" if I did not start them with a stretch.

How do I ensure I stretch every day

I use a recurring event in my calendar for 15 mins every morning, this way I can make sure I have the time allocated each day to stretch. For now I do the stretching routine, I use the streaks workout app to talk me through the stretches. The app calls out the next stretch and counts down the time remaining.

The Streaks workout app
The streaks workout app is a great habit building platform for achieving your fitness goals.

I use automation to start the stretching app, begin an activity on my Apple Watch and check off the daily goal in the Streaks App. For long-term motivation, I track the number of days per month I stretch in the Streak's App (habit tracking post here). This way I can see the month-on-month frequency and make sure I am stretching for above 90% of the days in the month.

Stretching Frequency

What stretches are in my routine?

The stretching routine I have chosen is a mishmash collection of mostly lower-body stretches. As I sit down for a lot of the day, that seems to work best for me. This is why there is a focus on the hips, glutes, and lower back muscle groups.

Stretching Routine